Why are the gifts of the holy spirit important to us?

Answers (3)

Well gold is always valuable. You can invest gold and get a good return in just a couple of years. Myrrh is fairly rare these days but can still be purchased in any local Egyptian convenience store. There's a bit of debate about whether Frankincense has any worth at all. It's kind of lik radioactive waste ... why would you ever want to keep it near you? But I suppose if you can find a good buyer then it's worth holding on to.

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Gifts of the Spirit. In the first century C.E. miraculous gifts attended the baptism with holy spirit. These served as signs that God was no longer using the Jewish congregation in his service but that his approval rested on the Christian congregation established by his Son. (Heb 2:2-4) On the day of Pentecost, miraculous gifts accompanied the outpouring of the holy spirit, and in each case mentioned thereafter in the Scriptures where the miraculous gifts of the spirit were transmitted, at least one of the 12 apostles or Paul, who was directly chosen by Jesus, was present. (Ac 2:1, 4, 14; 8:9-20; 10:44-46; 19:6) Evidently, with the death of the apostles, the transmittal of the gifts of the spirit ended, and the miraculous gifts of the spirit ceased altogether as those who had received these gifts passed off the earthly scene.
Paul enumerates nine different manifestations or operations of the spirit: (1) speech of wisdom, (2) speech of knowledge, (3) faith, (4) gifts of healings, (5) powerful works, (6) prophesying, (7) discernment of inspired utterances, (8) different tongues, and (9) interpretation of tongues. All these gifts of the spirit served a beneficial purpose that not only contributed to the numerical growth of the congregation but also resulted in its spiritual upbuilding.—1Co 12:7-11; 14:24-26.
However, these miraculous gifts marked the infancy of the Christian congregation and were foretold to cease. In fact, even Jesus indicated that his followers would be identified, not by their performance of powerful works, but by their love for one another.

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The gifts of the Holy spirit are unique charisma almost. They allow people to do the supernatural. Dreams, visions, prophecy, speaking in tongues and more. The Holy Spirit gave us these to reach people. I know several people who have healed someone or can speak in tongues.

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