people are so rude that I don't even know why
Responses (2)
You must take it as a rule that 5% of people are total *ssholes and another 10% can't get out of the crib. Another 10% are socially awkward for a variety of reasons. Still, that leaves about 85% of people who are usually pretty decent.
To break this down a little more scientifically, about 4-5% of the population is sociopathic, meaning they are sadistic and nasty while pretending to be otherwise. Lots and lots of people have Post Traumatic Stress Disorder or some other psychological problem that makes them angry and impulsive. Humans are complicated.
THE causes of anger are complex. Even scientists admit that anger is poorly understood. However, there is general agreement among mental-health professionals that all of us react to certain “anger triggers.”
An anger trigger can be something that frustrates or annoys someone. These triggers often result from injustice or unfairness. They can occur when we feel slighted, such as through insult or disrespect. An imagined threat to our authority or reputation can also stir up feelings of anger. childhood abuse. etc.
Our environment is filled with potential triggers. Added to that, sensitivity to these triggers may be rising. One reason is the thoughtless, me-first spirit that is ever-present in our day. The Bible explains: “In the last days . . . men will be lovers of themselves, lovers of money, self-assuming, haughty, . . . headstrong, puffed up with pride.” (2 Timothy 3:1-5) Does that not accurately describe the attitudes of many people today?
When self-centered people do not get their own way, anger is often the result. There are also a number of other reasons why anger may be a growing problem.
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