President Bush is the one who declared the boming of 911 and I'm mad cus I'm American and I feel If I say what I really feel people will just think I'm crazy. There's evidence like when President Bush said in a speech "I remember when I watched the first plane hit the world trade center on tv" even though there was no recorded evidence or tv stations that recorded the first hit!
Also in an interview with the owner of the world trade center building he said that he got a call from the US asking him if they could "Pull the building" which means to purposely blow it up!
Another huge thing was that it was not a normal plane that hit the pentagon but a missile or us aircraft. The US are trying to tell us that there is NO evidence of the plane or any pictures of the plane that hit the pentagon?! So u mean to tell me that center of our military and one of the most protected surveillance areas on earth with a camera every square foot in and around the pentagon did not capture one picture of the "plane"?
A gas station across the street caught video of it and the video was later confiscated by US officials.
Also am I the only one that knows that Osama Bin Laden and Saadam Hussein had connections to our own CIA?! If u don't believe me look it up.
There is alot more evidence u can look up as to what really happened on 911. But I just wanted to know why people are so ignorant and believe everything the government tells them.
Well thanks I just had to let that out hope you realize what really happened