Hi everyone.
I'm a 19 year old female, and have been having chest pains for the past 4-5 days now.
The chest aches are either just above or just below my left breast nipple area, and are similar to a very sharp, stabbing feeling. They seem to hit when I am very relaxed or about to fall asleep; however, they can hit at random as well.
They tend to increase in pain whenever I panic or worry about it, or anything really.
I thought it might be a heart attack but there's a few factors that I don't fit into with that particular possibility, I also had a friend monitor my pulse when I was having a chest ache and I was completely fine.
I then thought maybe it was my lungs, but it doesn't hurt to breathe at all during the "pain attacks", and they don't hurt when I feel normal either.
I HATE doctors and would rather avoid that unless it's an actual emergency.
Some further information on myself to hopefully help get an accurate answer here would be; I have bad anxiety, I smoke cigarettes (Pack a day maybe less.), I have super bad asthma and it's currently very hot where I am.
Mainly, I just want to know what's going on because I'm keeping myself up all night panicking over this. (Literally all night.)
Is it anxiety? Is it a type of period pain? Is it growing pains? Etc etc.
Thanks everyone. The help is really appreciated.