From a young age, I've had these urges to do things and I'm afraid it will lead to socially unacceptable things or things that will harm others. These urges are always changing, but my current ones include the following. Before I go to bed, I have to touch the highest point of my window sill with both hands. I also have to turn off my light with one hand, turn it on again and then turn it off with my other hand. When I take a shower, I have to turn off the taps, open the shower curtain, then turn the shower on and off again. A big one that has been bothering me is that when I hear or see a phrase that interests me, I have to count the number of letters until I find the middle letter. I also like and look for odd numbers; I want something to be in the middle of pairs. I haven't really talked to anyone about these habits. I have suspected myself of having OCD at one point, but it isn't like I have to keep anything in order. I'm not afraid that bad things will happen if I don't keep with these habits, I just feel like they are necessary, like brushing my teeth or combing my hair. So why am I doing these things? I'd like to minimize my urge to do them and perhaps get rid of the need to do them all together.