Which religion is the right one? and why?

Answers (44)

There are no right or wrong answers or religions , a religion is what you believe in and no one can change that .All religion have some kind of peace related to them and all religions tell you to do the right thing.Its your soul that is spiritual and it believes what it wants to believe , atheism is not a religion and only believes in the selfish beliefs of humans .In all religions there is a god/gods (except buddism which is still great)so there is obviously a god because so many people believe it.

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If u look for true religion you will be looking for it your whole life God never created religion if he would have their won't be so many why will god divide people into religion? To kill each other to bomb different religion peoples? Every religion have faults and every religion have good teachings but noone needs a religion to show humanity and live peacefully with others most people follow religion to go to heaven and not hell haha can you believe it hell forever for what you did in 50-70 years? Don't look for god be good to others.

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whichever one works for you. remember that if its right, it should make you and others around you happier. there should be no fear at all, no threats. keep it mind the answer to your question may also be e, none of the above.

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Read Mathew 7:15-18. Jesus Christ said that by looking at the fruit of a tree you will know what kind of tree it is. In the same way by looking at the fruits of a particular religion you will be able to discern if it is the true religion. The basis by which you should judge the religion is found in the Holy scriptures. Look at Galatians 5:22,23. Are the members manifesting these qualities or are they manifesting the traits found in verses 19-21 of the same book same chapter. One more thing to consider is the command Jesus gave his true followers at Mathew 28:19,20. A web site you might find helpful is JW.org

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Jehovah Witnesses- because they follow The whole Bible. That's why they offer free home Bible studies to anyone who want to be taught what the Bible really says.

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There's no right or wrong. Every religion is basically the same thing right?

"Jesus said...'I am the way, the truth, and the life...'"
John:18:37 "...For this cause I [Jesus Christ] was born, and for this cause I have come into the world, that I should bear witness to the truth. Everyone who is of the truth hears my voice."
John:17:17 "Sanctify them by Your truth. Your word is truth."
1. Where does truth come from? John:12:49.
2. What was the truth Christ brought and about which He spoke so much?
3. To whom has God given His truth?
God's Truth and His Church

Matthew:16:16, 18 "And Peter answered Him and said, 'You are Christ, the Son of the living God." (18) "And I say to you that you are Peter, and on this rock I will build my Church and the gates of Hades shall not prevail against it."
1. How many churches/denominations did Christ establish? I Corinthians 12:12-13
2. Is there only one true Church? I Corinthians 1:13; Mark:3:24-26

3. How does the Bible refer to God's Church? Acts 20-28; I Corinthians 10:32; Gal:1:13, I Peter 2:9-10

How Do We Identify God's True Church?


"Then Jesus said.. 'If you abide in My word, you are my disciples indeed. And you shall know the truth and the truth shall make you free.'"
John:10:27 "My sheep hear my voice, and I know them, and they follow Me."
1. What are the identifying signs of those people who "follow" Christ's word?
2. How do we know that we are a part of God's true church? Romans:8:14,16
3. How do those in the church act towards one another? John:13:35
Why Doesn't the World Believe in the Truth Christ Brought?


"For many will come in my name saying, 'I am the Christ, and will deceive many',"
Rev:12:9 "...Satan, who deceives the whole world..."
II Corinthians 4:3-4 "But even if our gospel is veiled, it is veiled to those who are perishing, (4) whose minds the god of this age has blinded, who do not believe, lest the light of the gospel of the glory of Christ, who is in the image of God, should shine upon them."
John:1:5 "And the light shines in the darkness, and the darkness does not comprehend it."
1. Is it possible that some of God's chosen people might be in other religions?
2. What about other "Christian" denominations who are right in certain areas of doctrine?
3. What about those individuals who are very "good" people, who do more good deeds perhaps than many in the church?
4. What will happen to people of other religions during the time of judgment since most are very sincere in thinking they are obeying God? John:12:44-50

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There's no right or wrong no matter what.

Well said but some of them aren't that important. Such as the questions. Not important.

Good question, to find this out one has to read the bible. The reason why is because the bible has historical events that actually happen. Take for example the flood, each culture on this earth all have a story about the flood and how many survived. In my opinion that interesting. What about the universe, the bible makes mention that Jehovah (God) is expanding the universe Please read (Isaiah 40:22). Even the example of Alexander the Great. Now that we know what the bible speaks about these things and being accurate on what is said. Next what about the religion, a given answer is the name of God. That being Jehovah, God has many names some individuals say. Not arguing or debating, just giving the answer from the bible. Those names were actually titles, like King or Father "Elo·him". God let Abraham know his name that being Jehovah. God's name have been taken out of a lot bibles. That name suppose to appear in the bible over 7,000 times. Only ones who recognize that name is Jehovah's witness. There belief's are inline with the bible, those being what happens to people when they die? Do all good people go to heaven? Is Hell real? Please look at those questions and let me know what your answers. Thank you Mikerob21

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go and read history of religions, and i give u some choises.. e.g( christianty, jewish, islam), sorry but i think this three is the base right now,

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the best religion is the religion that speaks to truth and that is living exactly the way that God requires of them to live . Doing the will of God to the best of their ability.
Find that true religion that make sense and don't lead to more question and moaning and groaning. I found my answer as a Jehovah's Witness.

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The religion of LOVE.
The religion that teaches about love, tolerance, truth, peace etc...a deeper study of all religions and scriptures will show that all religions teach these, however the people have stuck to the TEACHERS and have forgotten what as taught..
Find out about all the religions and their teachings then following a religion will not matter, being spiritual will count.

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This question cant really be answered cuz the person who is asking it will just say their religion is the true religion. I wud say Christianity cuz Im a Christian plus the dominant religion in the world is Christianity and the majority rules so yeah.

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Jesus taught his followers only one religion, the true religion. It is like a road leading to life. Regarding that road, Jesus said: “Few are the ones finding it.” (Matthew 7:14) God accepts only worship based on his Word of truth.
1. True worshippers respect the Bible as God’s Word. They strive to live by its principles. So true religion differs from religion based on men’s ideas.
2. The true religion honors God’s name, Jehovah. Jesus made God’s name known. He helped people to know God and taught them to pray that God’s name be sanctified. (Matthew 6:9)
3. True Christians preach about God’s Kingdom. God sent Jesus to preach about the Kingdom. God’s Kingdom is the only hope for mankind.
4. Jesus’ followers are no part of this wicked world. They take no part in political affairs or social conflicts. (John 17:16) Also, they do not imitate the world’s harmful practices and attitudes.
5. True Christians have outstanding love for one another. From God’s Word, they learn to respect members of all ethnic groups. Although false religion has often strongly supported the wars of the nations, true worshippers refuse to do so. (Micah 4:1-4) Rather, members of the true religion unselfishly use their time and resources to help and encourage others.

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Some people say that different religions are like different roads leading up a mountain. To them, it does not matter which road they choose, since all roads lead to the same place. They reason that there is only one Almighty God, so all religions must ultimately lead to him.
What did Jesus Christ, one of the most respected religious teachers in history, say on this subject? “Enter through the narrow gate,” he told his disciples. Why? “For wide is the gate and broad is the road that leads to destruction, and many enter through it. But small is the gate and narrow the road that leads to life, and only a few find it.”—Matthew 7:13, 14.
Was Jesus really saying that some religions lead “to destruction”? Or was he teaching that only unbelievers are on the broad road, whereas those who believe in God—no matter what their religion—are on the narrow road that leads to life?
Since not all roads lead to God, how can you find among the thousands of options the narrow road that leads to life? Consider this illustration: Imagine that you are lost in a big city. You decide to ask for help. One person confidently tells you to go east. Another urges you to head west. Yet another suggests that you choose whatever direction feels best to you. Finally, a fellow traveler takes out a reliable map and shows you the correct route. He then gives you the map so that you can refer to it along the way. Would you not feel more confident of reaching your destination? So, too, when it comes to choosing the right religious road, we need a reliable spiritual road map.
Why not consider the Bible-based answers found in chapter 15 of the book What Does the Bible Really Teach? That material will help you make an informed choice as to which religious organization you should join.
For more information on this subject please go to the source jw.org official website "Online Library." or Publications ." Also for free downloads, publications or read online.

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The right religion is the one that serves God the way he wants to be served and not how humans want to serve him. God's word says he should be worshipped with spirit and truth. At John 17:17 there Jesus says: God's word is truth.
So the religion should be critiqued by God's word the Bible. Is the religion living by Godly principles? Do they practice what they preach according to God's word. That means they read the Bible daily to get God's mind on a matter. Making decisions according to the way God thinks. They put forth every effort to follow in Christ footsteps, and they thoroughly appreciate the ransom sacrifice of Christ giving his life so humans may have full faith in him, be forgiven of their sins, and have a chance for everlasting life. So much love shown by God and his Son. John 3:16
So a person looking for the right religion has to do his own homework. Take buying a new car, you look at different models, different colors, you read the specs., you even check out your sales man, you count the cost, you take it for a test ride. But mostly, you worry about how safe the car is because it can cost you your life. The same way you scrutinize the things in life, that could bring harm to you or cost you your life, the same with religion. If you really want to serve God, pray to him humbly and with the right heart motivation. James 4:8 says: if you draw close to God, he will draw close to you.

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Spiritual Satanism.
The foundation of True Satanism is daily meditation, yoga, opening and empowering the chakras & your soul, raising your kundalini serpent & to become a god in your own right.


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