Which psychologist demonstrated that phobias could be explained by classical conditioning?

Answers (1)

This is only a personal viewpoint as opposed to a correct answer but I'd say the credit goes to Watson and Raynor with the experiment with the little boy, the rat, and the loud noise. They used the noise to condition a response to the rat and eventually, even without the noise, the little boy was distressed at the sight of the rat.

It's a bit like Pavlov and his dogs, except it's applied to humans and is negative rather than positive.

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=_= ur smart... wut in the world... how old are you?!

Psychologist John Watson demonstrated that phobias could be explained by classical conditioning. Additionally, in studies of identical twins reared in separate homes the twins had major behavioral differences. If nurture were not a factor the twins’ behavior traits would be identical because their gene structure is identical.