... battles?
2.Where: Where did Brutus work and live?
3.When: When was Julius Caesar born, and when did he die? How might his death have been different if he had lived in our century?
4.When: When was Brutus born, and when did he die? How might his death have been different if he had lived in our century?
5.Cultural notes: What important cultural differences can you find between life today in your part of the world and life in Julius Caesar's Rome? What does it mean to be a part of a republic? Why did the public want Caesar to become king? Why did Brutus feel uncomfortable about this? What would it mean for the republic to have a king? Once you identify the differences, explain how this situation would be handled in our culture.
6.Betrayal: How is Caesar's story a story of betrayal? Who is the betrayer?
7.The End: What ultimately happened to Caesar and to Brutus? Who was involved in each outcome? Why did these events happen