When and how life begain on earth?

Answers (1)

Here's the story if ratified its entirety you i will entirety it .........if you not believe it i do not need to be supplemented (note I'm not perfect English if there were any errors in the language i Excuse me)

The beginning of life was in heaven and when Adam sinned and Wife that she creature from his rib in paradise fell to the ground and here the beginning of life where gave birth two sons (Cain and Abel) and two daughters

Was Cain white skin and beautiful than Abel and its twin (twin Cain) also white skin they Kano from the same egg are similar and Abel was Black skin and less beautiful and its twin (sister) from the same egg is also a brunette judgment of God that occurred marry Cain twin Abel black and Abel marry twins Cain did not accept Cain white but ordered

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