When a car is running is it affected by wind chill?

Answers (2)

No, the wind chill does not affect the radiator in any way, what you should be concerned about is the actual temperature, and if you don't have a block heater and the actual tempature is too cold then your motor will not start. Wind chills dont have effects on inanimate objects, however you might be left with a frostbite.

To you from the North

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Well, yes, sort of. That is why the car has a fan behind the radiator. It needs some moving air to carry the heat away even if the car is not moving forward. That is probably not what you meant by wind chill, but it is in fact the same thing. This becomes uncomfortably obvious in the Arizona desert because there might be zero breeze. Your sweat and body heat collect around you until you feel like you might drown in it. So then you get in the shade of a cactus and walk back and forth just to stir up the air.

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