What's conceptual framework and why do you think so much effort has been expended to try to find on?

Answers (1)

A conceptual framework is an analytical tool with several variations and contexts. It is used to make conceptual distinctions and organize ideas. Strong conceptual frameworks capture something real and do this in a way that is easy to remember and apply.

A concept is something you think. A framework is something that forces everything to be in certain positions and turned certain ways. Gravity is a concept, not a thing. So we make up this imaginary framework and compute how the planets should orbit according to this conceptual framework that we call "gravity". It doesn't work: there is no formula to describe the behavior of three orbiting bodies that does not end in disaster. So scientists go looking for another conceptual framework. Several scientists have proposed electric charge as the guiding force in the universe, but most scientists are extremely suspicious of anything they didn't learn in graduate school.

We have this concept we call "hand washing" based on a framework of living things too small to be seen. A lot of people died in surgery because doctors thought that was junk science. Hand washing was not accepted as a normal process until all those doctors had died and been replaced by younger doctors who believed the germ theory of disease.

Bottom line: most people will go to their graves without ever changing the conceptual framework that they learned first.

About the orbits: There are special cases that are stable, called "Lagrange points".

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