What's better, being happy or making someone else happy?

Answers (2)

Personally I love being happy but what makes me happy is making other people happy. If that makes sense.

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It is good to be happy and very good to make someone else happy. Normally, if you are not happy, you can't make somebody else happy. Therefore, both are important. But more important than being happy and making somebody else happy which is momentary, is to reach that state of eternal happiness, is to reach that state of peace and bliss, liberated from all misery and suffering. That is the goal. It is called liberation from the triple suffering - pain of the body, misery of the mind and agony of the ego. That is our ultimate goal, to be free from all the miseries of life. Is it possible? Yes. If we are enlightened with the truth, if there is realization, and we overcome our ignorance, then we will reach that state of eternal happiness and everlasting peace. Then we will not find ourselves to be different from others. That is the goal.

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