What's a good way to get back at a person who wronged you? To their house at night?

Responses (1)

Knocking on the door and running away is wrong in my book.
Seriously, you come on here for advice on doing harm to another, that would be a crime.
You really can't think of anything to do yourself to get put in prison?

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Lol I didn't necessarily mean anything illegal or something that would class as criminal damage, just something funny other than the typical door knocking or poop bag gag. And yes I can think of things on my own just was bored and wanted to hear other's ideas. Sorry you got the wrong idea about this but really didn't mean anything PRISON worthy.

Why else would you go to someone's house at night?
I didn't pick up the wrong end of the stick, I just took the end you gave me.
I don't think you wanted some tame answer and I do think you could think up your own mischief, if that is what you were really after.
Let's be grown ups about this, we both know what you were thinking of doing is probably illegal, I think you just wanted someone else to say it to make it o.k.

Haha I'm not gonna lie, at first I was thinking naughty stuff. My opinion towards the whole thing has changed since I wrote this so maybe you're right. Reading back on it the goal in mind did look quite obvious lol

I always feel it is much more satisfying to get my own back on someone by doing to them (as close as possible) exactly what they did to me. That way they know that I got them back and also that they shouldn't do it again.
Good luck sir, kudos to you for being honest!