I live in CA. I currently make $14 an hour and that's the most I've ever made.So im looking for training for something that will pay more.

 I'm a single mom.I'm willing to work for even a little bit better life. I'm not looking for quick BC I'm lazy but because I already have over ten grand in student loans out from a career college that did me no good BC I can't find a job as da making more than $12 an hour, so I need quick bc i cant pay for long and just to start making a little more so I can start paying off those loans and go for something even better someday.I dont have a dream career i just want a nice family life: like be able to pay rent AND pay for my kids to do baseball or something. My mom was a junkie so i know what its like to grow up with nothing and want better for my kids. I know i should have thought of that before i had them but i was married then not expecting him to split. Any ideas? Maybe somethingiI haven't even thought of. Thank you.