I was at a stop sign waiting for some cars to pass. I noticed the guy walking to the sidewalk parallel to my car. So I decided to proceed forward after looking both ways and BOOM the guy jumps in front of my car and start screaming at me. Could I possibly get in trouble for this? I have a witness and she said I did not hit him.
Answers (1)
Two people I know (myself being one, plus a friend) gave up our cars when we almost hit a pedestrian. We are elders. If you are an elder, this may be the time you quit driving. If you are not an elder, or if you don't feel ready to quit driving, observe your driving carefully to make sure your mind is on your surroundings and driving "behaviors." I must add that I live in a city that has good public transit, so that's important, of course. If you don't live in a city, maybe you have family members who can drive you. Inconvenient, yes, but better than actually hitting someone. As for the legal aspects of your situation, which is a total scary thing your are being harassed for, I don't know what to say. Have you considered asking an attorney for advice so you can protect yourself?