What will be happen if there were no teachers, only parents?

Responses (2)

First you need to be aware that people use "school" and "teacher" interchangeably but they are not the same thing. For a long time in America, a school was anyplace a teacher was, but now teachers are almost irrelevant because every detail of what they do is prescribed by law.

Any discussion of schooling quickly bogs down in political disagreements. I think the only clear answer is an examination of how the American public school system was developed.

About 2500 years ago there were no schools and working society fell into three categories. One was the apprentice system where a boy would learn a trade on the job. The second was the tutor system where upper class children were taught lessons at home. Only slaves went to school where they were taught to be better slaves. Here is a book setting out the whole story:

And another, same author:

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It may very well end up that way ! It may end up that parents home school their children or have someone else home school them ! School teachers are trying to get a raise but if they do then parents may not be able to pay for everything their child needs in school ! My sister in Florida homeschooled her children and they not only were hired but also have husbands and are mothers as well ! Homeschooling may be time consuming but it is still cheaper then going to an actual school with teachers ! I know of a teacher who I met from a guy I used to date but I think her job is on the line ! Thanks

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