During pregnancy, several baby scans are typically performed at different stages to monitor the baby’s growth and development. Early on, between 6 to 12 weeks, a dating scan is done to confirm the due date, check the number of babies, and ensure the pregnancy is progressing normally.

Around 11 to 14 weeks, a nuchal translucency scan is performed to assess the risk of chromosomal conditions like Down syndrome. The most detailed scan, known as the anatomy scan, is conducted between 18 to 22 weeks. This mid-pregnancy scan examines the baby’s organs, limbs, and overall development to detect any structural abnormalities. Later in pregnancy, from 24 to 40 weeks, growth scans may be performed to track the baby's size, weight, and position, especially if there are concerns about development.

Additionally, some parents opt for 3D or 4D scans between 26 to 32 weeks for more detailed images of the baby’s face and movements, though these are often done for bonding rather than medical reasons. Each of these scans plays an important role in ensuring a healthy pregnancy and identifying any potential issues early on.

Get your crystal-clear baby scans today!