My mom was married when I was born. I got her husband's last name and he is on my birth certificate. They divorced shortly after. I never knew this man. My mom told him that he wasn't my dad and the man she married after him was but my family has told me my entire life that my moms first husband is in fact my father. It turns out they were young and both cheated and my mom was seeing her second husband around the time I was conceived. I finally found this man via Facebook to ask him myself as I was never able to get any answers from my mom. He said that there was never a paternity test. He seems excited at the possibility of having a daughter and wants to meet me this weekend. I confronted my mom and she admitted that she wasn't sure. The thing is, the man that helped raise me (my mom's second husband) was abusive and hated me, maybe because he didn't know if he was really my dad or not? I didn't speak to him since I was 12. He died when I was 18. Now I'm supposed to drive 4 hours away to meet this man who could potentially be my father and I'm incredibly nervous. He said he thought he was sterile. So maybe he isn't my dad after all.. I'm scared to meet him and try to form a relationship and then get negative results. Any advice? How should I approach this? What do we talk about when we meet? How long should I stay? Should I give him a hug? If I get a positive result, how often should we have contact?