i am trying to translate a movie subtitle and have problem at understanding some of the slangs and sentences, i appreciated if you could explain them briefly:

1- talking about a strip club business: " it's a little dirty, but brains
are a pain in the ass to scrub "
2- a guy found a stolen item of his on another person: "You ain't doing good for your city stereotype" he said
3- arguing about the stolen item
- "You comming at me slick"
- "No slick, but listen"
- "Did you double-Slick me?"
and 4- two persons were arguing and the third one said "you two fight way too much to end up together like everyone expects you to"

BTW if you know a website to ask question like this(for late on), it will be awesome

and the movie is "The Walking Deceased". its a parody of "the walking dead"