I'm too young to get a job so my sister was like "just learn how to make something and then sell it." so I started to come up with a list of things I know how to do, unfortunately I'm pathetic and don't really explore my talents that much, so I'm currently only good at singing and writing.
I then tried to come up with a list of things I could try to learn how to do, and the list only had six things, including a joke of macaroni art. So, technically, only 5 things.
-Making skirts/other articles of clothing
-Street performer/singer (though my mum seriously is thinking that I can't do this because it's dangerous)
-I forget the last one but it was probably lame

I don't like any of these options, so I was wondering what things I should learn how to make that way I can start to get money without babysitting (i hate children), yard working (i hate yard work), and working with animals (i'm extremely zoophobobic).