I'm trying to get something for my Dad. I've never really gotten him anything, especially in my teenage and young adult life. As a college student,I don't have much money, barely actually, but Id like to get him something since he's paid a little tuition, and he occasionally gives me money for no reason (no, no, I don't selfishly stash it, I end up singing it for necessary expenses like gas or bills).

I'm asking for suggestions because I legitimately don't know what to get him, he's tricky. He has no hobbies, has depression/bipolar, doesn't go out anywhere, doesn't do anything when he stays in, won't take up a hobby/like, and he's poor ever since my parents divorced. Like, his small house is empty for the most part, like no couches or bed, but he's got tons and tons a small appliances and knick-knacks, so that's what I've crossed out, cause he doesn't need anything small like that.

As I said before, I have no money, so I was looking to spend no more than $50.

Thanks for any help!