Hi, as you know Christmas is right around the corner and that means gifts to all, but it is also my birthday. The only problem is I have no idea what I want. I spend some time every day brainstorming what to get or what to ask for, but I can't think of anything. The things I did think of I took off my list because I thought they were not "needed." Please help me come up with stuff to get because I obviously can't. I know you are not me so it's hard to come up with someone you don't know but please request anything and everything that you think I would like or you like even. Some background on me is I love sneakers like jordan's and the adidas nmd's. I also love league of legends to death and I play osu on the side. My life is pretty much video games and buying shoes. I also might try to get fit, maybe. That's pretty much it just request gifts. Thank you.

Btw I'm 16 years old. Male