Hello!! I just need some advice on a gift for a friend. I know it doesn't sound majorly important and it's not just a birthday gift or anything. I'll explain.

Around 2 months ago my friend was diagnosed with a brain tumor. For the first month, she kept it a secret as we (along with the rest of our friends) were under a lot of pressure/stress. I'm the only person outside of her family that she has told about her tumor. She's been having seizures daily and can barely see among so many other things.

During the stressful period we were going through, she was really there for me when nobody else was. She was always doing really sweet things like asking me where I wanted to travel to or road trips I wanted to go on. She printed photos and on the back of each picture, she listed all these beautiful landmarks/sites that I wanted to see. It may sound like something very small but it just meant so much that she took the time and that she wanted me to be happy. I was experiencing a lot of panic attacks at this time also and she helped me learn how to deal with them and control my anxiety levels.

No matter what she has been going through, she's been here for me. There was a lot going on for me about a month ago at home and I didn't want to be there as it was making my anxiety so much worse so I went to stay with her for a couple of days. Both her and her family was so loving and welcoming and I just want to repay them.

Tomorrow evening she is having brain surgery which should at least stop her vision deteriorating more and hopefully limit her seizures. I'm going to be with her before and after the surgery because she's very nervous and I want to support her in any and every way possible.

My friend wants nothing from me but friendship. But I want to give her some sort of gift. I really need ideas to show her how much she means to me because she has been such a wonderful friend. When I asked people for ideas before, they've just said to buy her a pretty necklace or bracelet but I want to do something more that comes from the heart.

I'm very into art/photography so I'd love to incorporate that if anyone has any ideas that can incorporate those...

(My friend is also very into photography so I spoke to her mum and when she's fully recovered from surgery we will be going on a road trip and taking loads of pictures)

(And I know it sounds like I've left this to the last minute but I've desperately been trying to come up with ideas for ages and I still can't think of anything!)

I look forward to reading your suggestions, thank you for taking the time to read this x