I met a 50 year old woman in August 2014 who I have known for about ten years but rarely ever see. I know a couple of her male relatives who I hang around with but knew little about her. She has never been married, I have been divorced for twelve years. I'm 57.

I ask her out for a drink. We really hit it off in all areas. We have a similar sense of humor and had a lot of fun when ever we were together.

Fast forward to early March 2015. She calls and says ''We need to talk". No one wants to hear that :) She says she wants a two week break to think things over. So we have no contact for a little over 2 weeks.

I shoot her an email to see how she's doing .She emails me and says.. we have had a lot of fun and connected on many levels, but as things started to get serious something inside me said no. She also said, I'm not good at relationships. I'm happy with the way my life is and like doing my own thing. You were married most of your life and I haven't. I love you but just can't go to the next level.

So, in what seemed like an instant, we went from being friends, lovers and having a part in each others lives to nothing at all.
I never said anything about the relationship going to some "next level" or pressured her in any way. I do love this woman. Any insight or thoughts on what could be going on here ? I would like us to get together again, but wondering if it's a lost cause...thank you ..Peter