My BCFF (best cousin friend forever) is gonna move houses kinda far away. She says she doesn't mind because the new house will be warm and her house is cold but its gonna affect both of our lives. We go to school together, we live right next to each other and we see each other a lot, I'm afraid thats gonna change. It seems like this won't affect her since she said she doesn't mind moving because her house is cold. What should I do?
Responses (1)
I'm sure the fact her house being "warmer" isn't the only reason she's excited about moving.
But good friends will stay in contact with each other. My oldest friend who I used to live next door to now lives on the other side of the world to me.
We still Skype each other, talk on Face Book, send emails. Its not like your living in the dark ages any more.
The best bit is when we visit each other. We act like we saw each other couple of days ago and we have loads to talk about. I haven't seen her for 6 months now but it wont stop her being my brides maid one day.
She's like a sister who's not blood related. You just gotta make the effort. :)