-8 or more GB memory [4 just isn't enough]
-long battery life, preferably more than 24 hours
-Price doesn't really matter, but under $100 ideal, since I don't want fancy features that would drive up the price
-Remembers its place when you turn it off, no messing with bookmarks
-Either restarts exactly where it was or a few seconds before after a pause or turned off
-Buttons can be locked so pressing them won't do anything until it is unlocked
-Can easily rewind or fast forward without freezing or glitching, preferably accelerating for if I have to go near the end of an hour long track
-I will not use it for music, does not need to be able to switch between music and books
-I don't like touch screen, it is too easy to brush a button [or apparently can be hard to make button pressings register if set too far the other way]. Will deal with it if necessary
-Can play multiple tracks in order [20 track, 1 hour per track, book from beginning to end]
-Can be bought NOW, not refurbished, NEW. If I'm dealing with something discontinued I'll just buy a Creative Zen Mozaic.
What mp3 players are good for audiobooks?
Added 3+ months ago:
Oh, almost forgot. It needs to play both mp3 and wma formats, any other formats don't matter.
Added 3+ months ago:
Remembered something else. It MUST have a sleep timer. I often listen as I go to sleep, and with a sleep timer I can set it and only have to rewind 15 minutes. Without it it will play until it reaches the end of the book or the battery dies. Much fail.
Responses (4)
I'm interested in something small and simple, not a fancy and expensive apple touch screen product. Plus as far as I know apple products don't support wmas.
You should choose the one suitable for you. And for audiobooks, if you want to play them offline on the MP3 players, then you can try this way. You can use the DRmare Audiobook Converter for Mac to convert and save the audiobooks to plain audios. Then you can transfer them to the devices you like for playing offline.
Do what? Have what option? Be specific. You also appear to be talking from a data point of one.
The Mozaic I mentioned basically has everything I mentioned, but it is also discontinued, so I'd have to buy one of the few new ones still in existence or a refurbished one.