We are indoctrinated that Hitler and Germany were devilish people, but Hitler was a German/Jew. What did the Jews do to Germany to make them say, "We had enough?" Let's just lock these people up in camps and get them out of our country. Germany wasn't the only country that forced these people out of their country. The Jews seem like saints according the history of the media, but...
Responses (3)
Hitler's nazi's maked a lot of propaganda against jews, communists, gipsies, gaypeople and handicapt. And the propaganda make the german/arrian people beleef are supriur. Many people belerf nazi propaganda, and hitler get full power. The SS where the most nazi extremists, they arrested the jews. And force more people to agree with this jew hunt.
The international Jewish bankers bankrupted Germany after WW1 which they started in order to make a deal with the British to give them Palestine. They told the Prime Minister that they would pull America into the war if they could have Palestine. Their 'man in the White House' was Colonel Edward House who was Woodrow Wilson's handler. Hitler was right about the Jews. Problem is he murdered the wrong Jews and left the Fake Jewish bankers in charge. There are many types of Jews... Hasidic, Orthodox, Ultra-Orthodox, Sabbatean Frankist's, Torah believing, Talmudic, Atheist. He should have shot the Talmudic Satanist bankers and politicians who were the real criminals and left the other innocent Jews alone.