A while ago I was checked into hospital for having what included but was not limited to a throat infection.

My general state was very bad, my blood tests hinted I had bone cancer which, luckily, turned out wrong after a year or so. I was unable to eat cause my throat was all bloated/nearly closed and hurt alot.

So I was given painkillers three times a day, intraveniously (even tho I didn t really need them but the kind of person I am, I did not refuse them).

It was a yellowish fluid and lots of it! The moment it entered my system I felt it crawling up my arm like insects, kind of a burning, unpleasant sensation. Most of the time I was asleep or resting, I remember being shot with this crap while sleeping cause I once woke up only to pass out (despite trying not to) the moment the thing was in me.

Luckily I was only there for three days but I wonder - does any of you know what could ve been this?
