What is your favorite video game and why?

Responses (2)

Wolfenestein 3D and Elder Scrolls 3:Morrowind.

Wolfenstein 3D: I grew up with this game. When I was young all of my cousins had it on their computer, as well as both grandparents. I remember the first time I played it I was 3. Only 3. A 3 year old playing what was then a M rated game. By the standards of those days at least. But still back then I was intense, graphic and disturbing. I love everything about it. The then phenomenal graphics, the music, the sounds and effects. The death screams of a slain Nazi. It was all mind-blowing. They are still making games in this series. I have played all of them and all are awesome and worth playing.

Morrowind: I like this game alot. This game you could say is what really got me into fantasy. I was familiar with fantasy my whole life, but never really was into it. I had read LOTR and Narnia as a kid, but it was just something to read. I found Morrowind later in life. 2 years into high school I got into a rough patch in my life for reasonbs such as family problems, trouble coping with my autism and bipolar depression. Schizophrenia as well. One day I had bought an original XBOX at a yard sale for $10. It had 2 controllers and all the hookups and had also come with Morrowind, plus Rainbow Six 3 and a few madden games. But Morrowind I struck a huge chord with. One day I was particularly depressed so I just sat down with it to try it out, seeing how I had played it yet. I was instantly hooked and mesmerized. The main menu music was just incre4dible and it really cheered me up. I set up the game playing as an Argonian because I love lizards. Seeing the lizard dude on screen talking and beating up Dwarves and such was fun. I was feeling much better. I had went into a town and try to buy something. When going into the town and checking my inventory, I had accidentally taken off his clothes. So there was an almost completely naked lizard guy walking around the town. All the NPC's in the game were staring at me saying this like, "That is not amusing". "A good looking person like you should have more clothes on". " Oh. Your naked. Spare me". That kind of stuff. I was on the floor laughing my ass off. It was hilarious. The games incredibly colorful world of magic and enchantment, and the occasinal humor put in there really cheered me up, and make me full much better. Everytime I feel depressed I just put the game in and all me stress and sadness melts away, and all that is left is me having a great time kicking Drawven ass as an Argonian.

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I like FNAF - its cool, contains "lore", and has a good fanbase

The story based Mario games.

I enjoy seeing blank characters such as the Mario brothers show a little personality. I especially like the Luigi's Mansion games for this reason.

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