So I've been dating this girl for a few months now and it's been going fairly well, a few fights here and there but nothing we haven't moved on from. Over the weekend she went on a trip to Belgium with her class over the weekend and got back 2 days ago but ever since then she hasn't been herself. She barely texts me and when she does she just gives short answers. When she bothers to text me she doesn't send x's like normal (cringey but it's what we do) and last night I text her saying I love her and she's always said the same before but didn't reply until late today. I've been best friends with her for a long time and she was with me through my last relationship in which I was cheated on so I don't think that's the case here. I know it's her time of the month she told me but it's never been this bad. Please give any advice, no matter how hurtful it may be, thanks!