we all know that people "think". But what I really wan't to know is that do people think towards the work they are doing that is a doctor while treating his patient has a bent of his mind towards the patient, a student while giving exam is thinking about the questions that appear in the question paper? What I mean to say is that I have not seen anybody thinking so how do I know what the thinking procedure is all about?please give elaborate answer illustrating examples regarding how people think in different scenarios? I know a but obvious answer that people think differently when they are in different situations but what i wan't to know is that a person giving an IQ test thinks about the question that appear in the test? is that true? what I mean is that I have not seen anybody thinking so I do not wan't to make presumptions about "thought process". In all I am just making sure that am I a "normal thinker" or is there something different people experience while thinking which I may not be aware of? I am an advocate and normally working but this question really haunts me. The rationale behind this question is that How can I proceed in life without the complete knowledge of the "brain working" and the "thought- procedure"? how would i come to know whether the question is being answered by an expert?