What is the purpose of being a Christian ?To go to heaven ?

Responses (4)

What is the purpose of any religion? To have faith and respect for your God and to be faithful, loyal and considerate of your God and others around you. Aspects of several religions there that are overlooked by them all.

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The rendering of reverent honor or homage. True worship of the Creator embraces every aspect of an individual’s life. The apostle Paul wrote to the Corinthians: “Whether you are eating or drinking or doing anything else, do all things for God’s glory.”—1Co 10:31.

When Jehovah God created Adam, He did not prescribe a particular ceremony or a means by which perfect man might approach Him in worship. Nevertheless, Adam was able to serve or worship his Creator by faithfully doing the will of his heavenly Father. Later, to the nation of Israel, Jehovah did outline a certain way of approach in worship, including sacrifice, a priesthood, and a material sanctuary. This, however, had only “a shadow of the good things to come, but not the very substance of the things.” (Heb 10:1) The primary emphasis has always been on exercising faith—doing the will of Jehovah God—and not on ceremony or ritual.—Mt 7:21; Jas 2:17-26.

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to love and serve God and to love all and to get to Heaven

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To be honest, it is for the same reason we love.

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