There is an older Star Wars game I played for a couple hours at my cousin's house that I really liked when I was younger. Now I can't remember the name of the game and I'm wanting to play it again. This is all the details that I remember:

It is an RPG. You start off inside of a space ship I believe. You wake up on a grey table after I'm guessing being asleep for a long time? There were two other tables on either side of the room with the covers which were half-cylinders over them. There is a hologram of a woman who speaks to you when you wake, and is I guess pretty much giving you your tutorial. After walking deeper, you find a metal sword, and the hologram woman tells you the Jedi have stopped the use of lightsabers for some reason I don't remember. Further on you find an enemy and have to defeat it, which isn't too hard because it's the beginning of the game. I believe it's either a droid or a raider looting the ship.

Some details are still foggy, but that's what I remember. I've Googled it, but have not found any good answers. Hope someone here can know what it is.