My mom is getting married to a man who is in the military and we will be moving onto a military base. I will be going to school there and I have to learn this whole other timekeeping system. How can I learn to say it and read it?
Answers (2)
I hope you are excited to make the move. This kind of transition can be hard. Luckily, military time is not all that difficult to learn once you understand that it is simply changing the 12 hour system you have already learned into a 24 hour system. When I was learning it, I found it harder to actually say what time it was than it was to learn how it worked. I would tell you to print off a military time conversion chart of some sort and keep it with you in your notebook to refer to for a while. Also, you can use one of the great online resources for this kind of thing. We homeschool our children and taught them military time (24 hour clock) using the tool found here:
In a few days you should have it totally figured out! Good luck!
Every thing from 1am to noon - is the same, after that add 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 , 9, 10. 11 & 12. 1 pm is 1300, 2pm is 1400, 3pm is 1500, 4 pm is 1600, 5pm is 1700, 6pm is 1800, 7pm is 1900, 8 pm is 2000 (twenty hundred), 9pm is 2100, 10pm is 2200, 11pm is 2300, midnight is 2400.