I have baked on food...that does not come off with fume less oven cleaner....what should I use?
Answers (2)
You should never have baked on food. If you are making a pie, or anything filled to the brim, you know it's going to spill, so you put a cookie sheet under it. You watch while something is baking and when there is a spill you open the door, bury the spill with salt, close the door, and keep on baking. When the oven is cool you can sweep the salt and the food out, leaving no mess.
Once the food gets baked on, it takes ammonia to knock it loose. Pull the burners out and seal them in zip lock freezer bags with enough ammonia to wet the surfaces. Let them sit overnight and rinse thoroughly. Cookie sheets can be treated in a trash bag. You probably will need E-Z-Off for the oven.
I have no information about this fumeless oven cleaner. If it doesn't have ammonia, I don't have confidence.
You asked a question, I recited the answer, along with some related information that I guessed might be useful to you. Your bad manners are appalling.
Hmmmmmmm so, you are oblivious to the fact that you started your answer with a bookmarmism scold !! Do you do this a lot...answer honest question (with a scold at the front,middle or end) of your answer? I'll bet you do...which makes you a craven little boy hiding behind his keyboard..
Get a grip! You are making up stuff where stuff does not exist. If you don't want to hear an answer, don't ask the question.
To Jewels..your comment offends me. 1. I have never baked a pie in my life 2. your assumption is faulty...3. I have a tuff job in front of me...and your harsh manner..just rubs me the wrong way.....thank you regarding the ammonia chemical to possibly do the job....4. in future, watch you tone ....will you?