and what are some examples of socialist countries?
Answers (4)
Although dictionary smooths it out what it really is is a Dictatorship gvt where the people serve the gvt & has no say on things. Hitler's Germany Libya,Cuba are good examples & if we don't fight against Obama & democrates, it soon will be upon us as NOW he & Hillary are trying to push Nato # 21 through congress putting us under Nato control & Killing our Constitution & Bill of Rights.He has already pushed with Exect order his Child Labor Farm Bill forbidding parents to use their kids on farm work & forcing the kids to go to his school & not FHA or parents choice,another attempt to control our kids.See NATO Agenda # 21.Call your Congress rep if you don't want this evil move.
Socialism: A social system in which the producers possess both political power and the means of producing and distributing goods. In Marxist-Leninist theory, socialism is the material base for communism and the intermediate stage between capitalism and communism.
In the Western world in that it advocates progressive reforms within a democratic society
Not until the early and middle decades of the 19th century, however, did socialism make its appearance as a modern political movement. It found ready acceptance, especially in France, where the French Revolution had severely shaken conventional ideas. There, as in other European countries, the Industrial Revolution created harsh social problems. People were ripe for the idea that public rather than private ownership of resources would better enable the masses to share equally in the fruits of combined labor.
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