If you are a PMI-Risk Management professional, you are an authentic professional to work as a risk manager or similar to the needs of a project environment (Enterprise Environment) that is increasing worldwide, with virtually located team and complicated.

The PMI-RMP® shed light and authenticate your skills, knowledge and use of tools and techniques to identify, plan, analyse project risks, develop strategies to reduce threats and enhance the positive risks or opportunities. In this role, you further improve and guard the needs of your organization.

Getting a distinct certification such as PMI-RMP® helps you to set apart from other professionals and brings a lot of value to your business entity. As per PMI Survey, 83% of organizations that are performing fantastically in organisational project management, perform risk management frequently while only 49 per cent of low-performing organisations do so. The risk management practice contributes to a lot of benefits: highly performing achieve their goals 2.5 times more than others and doesn’t waste money (at least 13 times) less than low performing organisation.

If you think it’s what you required, the PMI-RMP will validate your expert skills and pave the way for you to stand out to your Bosses and Senior management.

If you are looking for best risk management professional courses, then PMI risk management certification (PMI-RMP) is the way to go. We provide PMI-RMP certification training in New Zealand and worldwide.