Ok this guy is kinda confusing we met at a party and we go to the same school we didn't really talk though. I just heard one of my friends talk about him one day and I said !! Ohhh your Hott friend!!! And he said wait what? That's wierd because he said that he thought you where really attractive to then the guy jake added me on Facebook and started talking to me and he asked me if what I said was really true that I thought he was really Hott I guess my friend told him that... (Why?)

Anyways we were texting and he said this

"I bet I do. In my defense I do some stupid shit when I'm single. I seem to need a tamer.....cause I'm a lion!"
( I don't know him to well but I've heard that he has been a player sorta in the past I'm a year older then he is I'm a junior and anyways I don't put up with that shit but do you think he is just saying this? Or does it sound like he is actually looking for a relashonship)

Then he said this
"So to end this conversation with u smiling an me satisfied... I just wanted to say, goodnight gorgeous! It's always good to talk to you. :)"

I'm just not sure ... He seems kinda shy around me we have a weight training class together and he will say stuff to me every once and awhile but nothing conversation like and he always seems to be around me lately.
( I just find it odd how he isn't aggressive in talking to me because my friends say he is super out going)

Anyway what do you think? Why did he say he needed to be tamed? Is he looking for a relashonship ? Is he interested ? And why isn't he being aggressive ?