The responsibility for paying for pest control when an apartment tenant gets bed bugs can vary depending on several factors, including local laws, the terms of the lease agreement, and the source of the infestation. In many jurisdictions, landlords are generally responsible for maintaining a habitable living environment, which includes addressing infestations like bed bugs. This means that the cost of the pest control service for bed bugs would typically fall on the landlord, especially if the infestation was not caused by the tenant's actions.

However, there are exceptions. If it can be demonstrated that the tenant brought the bed bugs into the apartment or failed to maintain sanitary conditions, the cost might be passed on to the tenant. Some leases explicitly outline the responsibilities of both parties regarding pest control. It's crucial for tenants to review their lease agreement and understand their rights and obligations.

In summary, while the landlord usually pays for a pest control service for bed bugs, tenants should be proactive by notifying the landlord immediately upon discovering an infestation and cooperating with any necessary preparations for treatment. If there is any ambiguity, both parties should refer to local housing laws and the lease agreement to determine the appropriate course of action.

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