What does it mean to lead a virtuous life?
Responses (2)
The word virtuous means having or showing high moral standards. However the real question is based on who's way of thinking and standards?
The Bible’s direction to those who wish to “draw close to God” is: “Cleanse your hands, . . . and purify your hearts.” (Jas. 4:8)
This is impossible if a person does not know how to draw close to. (John 17:3) says "This means everlasting life, their coming to know you, the only true God, and the one whom you sent, Jesus Christ". This website may be helpful, www.jw.org
To live a virtuous life means to live a life with high moral values, ethics and being chaste in every possible aspect, living, what is known as a sinless life. But beyond just living a virtuous life, one has to live a life to attain the ultimate goal of realization. A virtuous life may take us there or may not take us there but we must aim not just to be virtuous but to realize God, to become one with God. And for that, we must go in quest of the Truth, we must find out the Truth of who is God, where is God, what is God - this is as important, if not more important, than just living a virtuous life.