Okay so i am s song writer. I know when people write songs it has to come from heart. Well i just need some ideas. I have a pretty boarding life so if i get ideas i can connect to make it sound good. But not love. I cant write songs about love im too young LOL
Answers (5)
As you say, people write songs it has to come from heart. You should know what you care about.Don't cater for others or make others' ideas be yours,it isn't worthwhile to waste time and have an idea of others.However,if you have to finish your work,try some love music,it is so common to create a music about love i think.
congratulations!see,it comes from your heart and i really wish to hear or read it someday!
whats ur song called
I am 12 and I write music
If you're interested in writing songs for mainstream commercial use (ie. to be heard on the radio) there are only a handful of topics the music industry will promote, or even allow signed artists to sing about. Record sales don't really matter, so you have to think in terms of what other industries will benefit from your music to keep it worth pushing onto the populace. It's all about pumping ideas and emotions into the minds of listeners to help shape culture and sustain Western civilization as we know it. It varies somewhat by genre and by what's on the official cultural agenda for the decade, but generally, the list is as follows:
1. Relationships - The more extreme and unhealthy the better. Songs of devotion help sell stuff like wedding bands or fancy dinners, and break-up songs help to sell junk food, anti-depressants, legal fees, etc.
2. Mental Illness - Ever feel like you're really losing it or like you could go off and do something really desperate or irrational? Ever hear a song that seemed to know just how you felt, and seemed to make you feel better at first, but really only reinforced that scary feeling until it just got worse and worse? That's what these songs are all about. They're passing novelties for people who don't have the underlying issues to reinforce, but find the right audience, and these songs will help keep the mental health industry flourishing with an endless stream of troubled teens to medicate and hospitalize. On a lighter note, people who feel down tend to shop more in general, and everybody benefits from that.
3. Cars - Songs about cars not only help to make people want to buy cars or use up more gas, but drivers listening to songs about cars are more likely to drive less carefully than they would while listening to other kinds of music. That means more accidents, and that means more cash for insurance companies, healthcare providers, and repair shops.
4. Food - Everybody has to eat. Get a song about food stuck in their head, and they'll be that much more inclined to do so. The entire food industry will thank you.
5. Sex - Nothing sells quite like sex. Think it's all been said and done? Scour the Internet for a fetish without a theme song and you'll strike gold. Everyone benefits from this, because it's how the next generation of worker bees is pumped out. Having a baby to take care of also decreases the likelihood of workers striking or staging some kind of meaningful rebellion to wage slavery. Sex sells condoms, lube, and accessories too!
6. Drugs - The illegal drug trade needs music to help it along too. You'd think these things would sell themselves, but nothing stops someone from beating their addiction (or helps them develop a new one) like hearing a song about it on the radio. The cartels can't use overt advertising (unless you count reverse psychology PSAs), so they need their jingles sold as regular music even more so than other industries. Cryptic songs that seem to be about nothing in particular tend to be about this. Just ask your friends. Don't forget about good old booze either. Bars and clubs across the nation are counting on you.
7. Cultural Engineering/Stereotypes - Young people look to music as one source of social identity. Not only do they respect the wisdom of their music gods, but everything sounds more true and valid when it's set to music. It's the songwriter's job to help establish and reinforce stereotypes and key ideas for different cultures, to provide context for the other messages in the music. Hip-hop and country music both do a lot of this, in particular, but it's found in all genres. The idea is to characterize the audience of the music not only for the listeners to conform to themselves (due to implied peer pressure, even if no such peer group would have otherwise existed), but for non-fans to label fans, to help keep people (teens in particular) divided and oversimplifying/underestimating/fearing each other. This prevents widespread rebellion among the youth, who are some of the only people with the time and energy to make a difference. It also keeps their minds off of life's bigger questions, like "how does the music industry work?" or "where do clothing, food, and drugs come from?". However, songs about religion and national/regional pride also fall into this category, as do sociopolitical commentaries.
8. Money - It's supposed to be everyone's primary motivator. Better make sure it stays on their minds.
9. Violence/Crime - This one works especially well when combined with cultural engineering and/or mental illness, but it stands on its own too. These songs help people to either get out their aggression non-destructively through music, or egg them on to do things that will get them arrested or killed. The latter helps keep the police relevant and hospitals, funeral homes, and newspapers in business.
Mix and match from these 9 areas of radio-friendliness and you should be well on your way to writing the next big multi-platinum hit.
For a little while I had a rock/metal band, but that ended up going south after my suicide attempt in 2010. I am okay nowadays though. Anyway, I wrote a lot of songs about Mysticism and Magica and Meditation and stuff like that. That could be an idea if interested. I myself have had kind of an isolated life, but that was my own fault. I based a lot of the themes I wrote about from bands like Led Zeppelin, Uriah Heep, and Hawkwind. Unfortunately none of my songs exist anymore. I cant find them anywhere, not even on the Internet.
I have wrote multiple songs but never published them cause well I am 13 but its like I make most of my songs off love because its the most relatable topic. I just want something new to write about. And if you are around my age and want to make a song w/ me hmu. Just comment back if you do and I will give you my email address thanks
OMG thankyou so much. i wrote a song and i decided to try to do love. Its one of the very best songs i have written in my life. Thank you:)