What if having the girl you love ment you have to constantly be unhappy? Is it worth it?

Answers (6)

If you reply love her why dose it matter just go for it if it dosent work it dosent work but if you don't think it's were fit than don't

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no its not worth it being with someone who causes that much unhappyness is not worth it in a million years your suppose to be happy and if you love her but your unhappy all the time its better to turn them loose then to live a lifetime of dismay and have to be unhappy to is it really worth all of that i think you ready see what they are about and this chick must be doing things to cause utter dismay it opens the door for more childish games you have to make the right a decision you don't want to make or you can tell her if you don't get a hold of yourself and start acting right you'll leave her

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Totally not worth it. In a relationship both parties should be happy at least most of the time. if you can be with someone but not make them happy then all you have done is acquired a "possession", a trophy and that is a seriously unhealthy situation to be in. It's both morally and ethically criminal.

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No. Loving someone is supposed to make you feel happy. You would compromise with each other. Not one side should be feeling that way.

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Maybe u have to ask yourself do u really love that person or is it just a fantasy that your maintaining. Unhappiness doesn't equal love. True love would come naturally. All the best

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Being unhappy means there is a serious issue between you both. You cant live life in a miserable state and if u love her then maybe its better to let her go. At least then you can try to be happy again.why is it happening and what causes the moods. Ask yourself this and then think of it being every day of your life. Its a long road to nowhere. Be positive and overcome this hurdle you face

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