What factors influence how much surrogates make in the United States?

Answers (1)

Several factors influence how much surrogates make in the United States. First, the location plays a significant role, as surrogate compensation can vary widely depending on state laws and demand. States with more favorable surrogacy laws and higher demand typically offer higher compensation.

Second, the surrogate’s experience can impact earnings. Experienced surrogates, who have successfully carried pregnancies before, may receive higher compensation due to their proven track record.

Third, the intended parents’ preferences and requirements can also affect compensation. For instance, if the intended parents need specific medical treatments or procedures, or if the pregnancy is considered high-risk, the surrogate may receive additional compensation for the increased responsibilities.

Finally, the type of surrogacy arrangement—independent or through an agency—can influence how much surrogates make. Agency often offers standardized compensation packages, while independent arrangements may have more flexible terms.

To learn more about surrogacy and compensation, visit Surrogacy4all or contact (212) 661-7673.

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