Theres a girl i rlly like, haha, we talk alot at school we hug eachother b4 and after school most days, haha, i try to b nice to her and say nice things to her, but i messages her on fb and we were talking and she said tht she feels like everyone hates her, i said no but i dnt, and all tht, She said aww thnk you and ur personality is amazing :) . Wat does this mean plus, ok well 1. Im just so tenpted to ask her out on fb, BUT iknow tht girls love it more of u do it in person, which i can do, but i would love to ask her out but my parents r so strict on gfs and bfs and stuff, sooo plzz tell me way i should do , and 2. Im pretty certain she likes me but btw im 15 yr old guy, haha, Girls only plzz, THANK YOU