I bowl for my High School team. I am not the greatest (I am so unconventional that I throw a 2-handed hook because I couldn't get the ball to hook 1-handed.), so don't laugh at my highs.

I bowled my highest series ever a week or so ago, a 601. Included in it was my highest game ever, a 235, and my 3rd highest of the season, a 201.

Anyways, my mom got a printout of the scores, and I was looking at it today, and saw that in the 10th frame of my 235, there was an "N" where the first ball normally goes. At first I thought it was just a place holder, but then I looked at one of the other guy's scores that is on my team, and saw that he did not get a 3rd ball, but had no "N".

Also, one of the other frames had the first ball underlined. I thought that it meant a split, but I am not sure.
