It was the last day of school for us for the term just recently, and theres a girl i rlly like so i started to talk to her to try and get to know her better during the last lesson if the day (coz u dnt do much on the last day) anyway i just asked her a few questions etc. she seemed happy to talk to me and kept saying awww and cute and all that, but long story short, we played this game (lol, dnt ask y we played a game in yr9) and it involved ppl dieing in it and stuff, (lol i know this sounds retarded) and i was a doctor and could save ppl frm dieing, :D so i saved her (the girl i like that is, HAHA) and her best frend she was sittn nxt to, so aftr the lesson everyone rushed to their bags to leave, including me, but then i heard those two girls saying my name, so i went up to them and they were like awww thank you, u saved our lives in that game, etc :D and they wrre like u soo nice and all tht, then i said bye, and walked to the front gate and saw them there i was bout to to head off coz i catch buus, burt b4 i knew it she grabbed me hugged me so tightly and was like have a good holiday break, smiling and all that, obviously i said, u too, take care and stuff (Wat does this all mean?) HAHAHA longgggg msg i know, but i wanna give as much detail as i can so u know exactly wat happened. Girls answers b appreciated, Thank you! Obviously im a guy :D in yr 9, ahaha