What does it mean if your ex says they love you but they want to be friends until they find myself?

Responses (4)

It may mean that he/she is confused about what he/she is and needs time alone to find out what they are and what they wanna do in life. They might want to concentrate on himself/herself before they start concentrating on another person (YOU).

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let's start with the word EX. you were in a previous relationship that wasn't working. he/she is confused. now, ask yourself this. what if there search ends without you in the picture. it's unfair that he/she is asking you to wait for them. I would not consider this love. he/she should allow you to find yourself.

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let him or her get lost and find themselves. They must not want your help. Let them go and see when they come back.

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Most often this is there way of being nice, they still have feelings for u, but want to keep looking, but also want to keep u on a string in case of emergency. If they go thru a bad relationship, than they will come back to u for reassurance that they deserve love. But than will probably do the same thing again. Its really not fair to u, but if u love her u can just leave the door open and have a little fun untill they need u again...

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