Last night I dreamt of a spider the size of a child's hand. It was black and reddish and the body was morphed mostly into a large brain that was more reddish rust color. At first I spotted the spider- I'm afraid of spiders I always kill them. I tried to hit it with something but it ran. I didn't see it for a second but it appeared again. I chased it around for a while, it disappeared for a minute and then appeared and was running towards me and then stopped and laid on the ground and started to curl up in a dying position. I grabbed a can of hair spray and covered it. It did not move.
I have been having trouble in my relationship and have been trying to forgive and start a new slate to work things out. My brains been feeling like its going to explode and I've been very emotional but last night before bed I watched the 700 club with a series on relationships and god. It was pertaining exactly to my situation. It made a lot of sense and got through to me, as nothing could lately. It talked about forgiveness and I felt like I could finally forgive myself and my partner for anything bad in the past. It made me realize that I need to go to church again and maybe it would be a good thing for my partner and I to go together.
Just looking to see what this dream might mean. It's my first spider dream.
Someone help!:)