What do you understand by the concept of ethics ?

Answers (2)

1. moral principles that govern a person's behavior or the conducting of an activity.
"medical ethics also enter into the question"
synonyms: moral code, morals, morality, values, rights and wrongs, principles, ideals, standards (of behavior), value system, virtues, dictates of conscience
"your so-called newspaper is clearly not burdened by a sense of ethics"
2. the branch of knowledge that deals with moral principles.
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Ethics are moral principles by the way we live. Ethics form the philosophy of our life; therefore everybody’s ethics may not be the same. It depends on our upbringing, our religion, our culture, our belief system. But ethics are very important because they determine the way we live. They determine the way we act. Therefore, if our ethics are positive, if our ethics are in the right place, then we will seek God, we will seek the Truth, we will seek realization and enlightenment, and attain the ultimate goal of life. But if we live without ethics, without morals, without values, then we will just exist and die.

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