I took my niece in when she was 13 and set a 10:00pm weekend curfew for her. She turned 15 last week and now she wants a later curfew. Apart of me thinks 10 is still okay but she is older now so the other part of me thinks I should extend it a little but I'm not sure how much. She's not a real bad trouble maker, she's only been in trouble a few times and that was for fighting. She's a B student who knows school is important and she works hard without too much coaching/demanding from me. I've met her friends and they're not the greatest but they're not horrible either. We live in a fairly large city which is another thing that worries me when she's out at night. I never had a curfew when I was younger, my dad let me do what I wanted pretty much after I was 13 so I don't even have that to go off of. I've asked some of my friends and most of them say because she is a girl that I should leave it at 10 but I don't really think that's the right way to decide. So I'm looking for unbiased opinions on what would be a reasonable curfew for the weekend.

During the week it's 8:00pm but she really doesn't mind it because most times she's home anyway.